Press Release
May 1, 2012
Contact: Cathy Heck
New Collections from Cathy Heck Studio for David Textiles
Austin, TX – Cathy Heck Studio, a family-run design team with a 25-year history of excellence in juvenile design, announces several new collections to be introduced at Spring Quilt Market through David Textiles, a leading manufacturer of cottons, flannels, fleece and more.
The studio will be launching three new collections for baby and child under its CathyLoo brand on cotton and flannel fabric at the show. These whimsical nursery groups feature adorable scenes of animals at play painted in Cathy’s timeless style. Teena Ung, Merchandising Director for David Textiles, comments, “We are so excited about the nursery collections that Cathy and Ellen have created for us this year. The designs have a classic storybook feel that has already been embraced by our buyers. It is truly a pleasure working with them, as they are multi-talented and give great turnarounds on beautiful art. We can’t wait to see more!”
The studio has also created a number of CathyLoo non-juvenile collections for fabrics that appeal to both quilters and Do-It-Yourself project lovers. Cathy adds, “We have enjoyed working with the team at David Textiles. They are busy providing fabrics for buyers all over the world, and we enjoy creating different kinds of collections for the vast number of themes that they offer their customers.”
Cathy Heck Studio will be showing juvenile collections, as well as new everyday and seasonal designs at Surtex in May 2012, as well as the Licensing Expo in June. This season, they are especially interested in developing ideas for gift, bath, and home.
About Cathy Heck Studio:
Cathy Heck Studio has been creating inventive and fresh collections for over 25 years. Although, the studio creates collections for a variety of product categories, Cathy is recognized most for her best-selling baby collections. To find out more about Cathy Heck Studio, visit And to learn about Cathy Heck Nursery Art, Cathy’s new online shop for creating personalized nursery décor, visit
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